The Styled Soirée

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How to More Easily Address Wedding Invitiations

I remember the feeling... that stack of 120 invitations sitting in a stack on your table, staring you down.  Your hand cramps in anticipation of all. that. addressing!

While I absolutely recommend booking the services of a professional calligrapher (ease of mind plus a beautiful first impression of your wedding day makes the expense worth it), it isn't always a reality for every couple.

Enter the Lettermate.  This handy little tool helps with spacing and ensuring straight lines.  It won't give you instant calligraphy abilities or do the actual work for you, but it helps keep your envelopes neat and tidy.

I got mine on Amazon where it cost a little more but I was able to use my Prime Shipping.

If addressing your Save the Dates, Invitations or Thank You Notes seems truly daunting, The Lettermate might be the trick that makes this task a breeze!

Sidenote:  there are DIYs all over the internet about how to make your own stencil.  I am way too lazy for that, but if you've had success, I would love to hear about it!